Website Launch
1 min readWe are launching the website. Fuck yeah. This has been an idea floating around in my head for months now. ‘Land of the Frauds’ was the first thing I wrote on a cardboard sign when the 2020 protests first broke out across America. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with that name, it had a ring to it, but the idea needed to be fleshed out. As time went on, I began to think of what my friends around me needed to better express their feelings in this chaotic and unpredictable moment. Most of us believe that the traditional media outlets are failing to accurately represent the voices we want to hear from, and social media has devolved into a cesspool of shouting into the void. I hope that can be the platform me and my friends use as a middle ground to express our views.
I’m excited to get started, and can’t wait to see the site evolve.