February 23, 2025

Land of the Frauds

Death, Slavery, and the Retreat From Sadness

With Full House and Senate Control, Biden has ability to pass important legislation.

2 min read

Following addressing the coronavirus, the next issue to be addressed should be Police Reform. The police response to the riot of the Capitol Building compared to the response received for Black Lives Matter protests is just another example and an embarrassment to the country that should take priority.  It is reasonable from his messaging throughout the campaign, during the summer protests, and recently following the Capitol riot that this is an issue Biden will address. It’s also an issue that has support across the Democratic Party in a way that other major issues like Medicare For All, Green New Deal, and the Biden Tax Plan do not. Punditry aside, it is more simply an issue that needs to be addressed.

One or maybe two other major legislation measures are likely to be addressed in the first two years. The pandemic has displayed the shortfalls and drastic disparities in healthcare so it is not out of the picture that this would take a front seat as well with broader support following the pandemic. It is difficult to predict further than two years as that congressional election will dictate what is probable in the next two, but the Green New Deal feels as if it will be a longer-term issue not necessarily to be addressed in the next four years underneath Biden. This is because of who he is as a centrist politician, and because of the frankly more pressing and immediate nature of Coronavirus relief, Police Reform, Healthcare Reform, and Tax reform and the logistics of the time needed to write and pass these significant bills. With questions surrounding whether Biden will run for a second term and complete legislative control I think it’s safe to assume party leadership will stick to homeruns.
